Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Winter 2025/6

The logs have all been hand split because my hydraulic log splitter with a 7 tonne splitting force has broken down on me. I have been splitting the logs a bit at a time; it helps me warm up on cold mornings. 

These logs are from one of the fallen poplar trees which came down in a storm last Winter. I built a new wood store nearer to the house to help accommodate the extra wood supply. It measures 12'x4'x4'. I have another store with logs I have been using up this Winter.


  1. Sorry to hear about your log splitter. The storage looks nice and tidy. We heat with an indoor wood furnace, so any fallen timber gets split and dried. We have quite a variety to burn, softwood and hard. When it is minus twenty at night, good hard maple or oak last longer!

    1. Luckily our temperatures do not go so low!
