Thursday 2 May 2024

The joy of seeds

There has been a step change in the weather over the last few days. After a prolonged cold spell the daytime temperatures have jumped from single figures to the low twenties and that chilly northern wind has turned away. I've made a start on planting out the greenhouse plants. Tomatoes, peppers, chillies are now in situ. Aubergines are lagging behind a bit so they will follow later. 

Also in the greenhouse are a range of seed grown hardy and half-hardy annuals destined for the borders and the cutting garden. Most of these have now been pricked out or potted on. Some have been moved to the cold frame, still protected but away from direct sunshine. Those in the greenhouse have to be carefully tended because the afternoon sun generates quite hot conditions even if the temperatures outside are still modest. This causes the compost in the modules or small pots to dry out quite quickly. Watering them has to be done carefully, usually in the cooler mornings and the early evenings. Water droplets on plant leaves act like a magnifying glass and can result in scorching as the sun shines on them. I always water the thirsty tomato plants at the base of each plant to avoid this problem. Watering the greenhouse now becomes part of the daily routine through to September.

Growing plants from seed is a constant wonder whether for food or looks. Here are the tiny seeds of Nicotiana sylvestris (Tobacco plant) sown in a 3 inch pot. Too small yet to prick out. By the end off the summer each of these seedlings will be 3 - 4 feet high with large paddle-like leaves and displaying pure white trumpet shaped flowers 3 inches long.


  1. Those few sunny days we've just had have made the world feel much better!
    Sadly 90% chance of rain most of today but it will be OK in the greenhouse as I've got to put my toms into their final big pots too. Peppers and Aubergines need another couple of weeks.

    1. You're right, it has been raining all day today but the warmth was nice while it lasted.

  2. My next door neighbours are probably doing the same as you right now as the weather is finally warming up in the daytime here in Canada. I had forgotten Nicotiana, I always love fragrant plants. I am eagerly awaiting more tulips to open. So far there have been 3 miniature flowers from a previous year but I am waiting to see what our son planted for me in October.

    1. Are you a bit behind us seasonally? Where about in Canada are you?

    2. We are 2 hours drive north west of Ottawa, and I think today someone finally "threw the switch" as our temperature reached an amazing 25°C. I noticed that the blossom on the wild service berry trees is starting to open, and the trout lilies are already yellow alongside the road. It must be spring at last. Now we will be almost able to watch the leaves growing on the trees and bushes in front of our eyes! It happens fast every year.

    3. We visited Vancouver a few years ago where I think the climate is temperate and more like the UK.
