Sunday, 12 January 2025

Following a tree: January

Prompted by bloggers Sue and Ang (and others) I would rather like to emulate them by 'following a tree'. I have chosen a mature silver birch tree that grows on the boundary of our smallholding. The photo below was taken on my mobile phone around 11am this morning. This was after a night of -5 degrees centigrade. It is quite a wintery scene. The sky has clouded over in place of the clear, bright blue sky we have had in the last few days.

 I like the weeping tendency of the birch. The bark on its branches is dark, almost black, and leaves a delicate tracery effect against the sky. The hawthorn hedge is about 7 feet high and gives an indication of the size of the birch tree.


  1. That's a fantastic photo. I should make a note of the time of day when I take my monthly picture

    1. Thank you. Apart from time of day, I have selected a spot to take the photoo which is easy to remember for next time.

  2. Silver birch is one of my most favourite trees. I shall watch your tree with interest.

  3. That's a lovely birch tree. I remember hearing the song "Land of the silver birch" when I was at school, never dreaming that years later I would actually live in Canada, and yes, we do have plenty of silver birch trees around us! It is possible to make birch syrup, but the sap must be slowly evaporated, unlike maple sap which can be boiled. The birch syrup is rather an acquired taste, but is very popular with Alaskans and Russians. It is better for savoury dishes and would be rather a shock if served on pancakes! I use a drizzle on salmon that I am baking in the oven, with lemon juice and a little butter.
