Wednesday 30 August 2023



Late August, given heavy rain and sun

For a full week the blackberries would ripen.

[from Seamus Heaney, Blackberry-Picking)

I checked the blackberry bushes today, grown  cordon-style on posts and wires.  They are a cultivated, thornless variety so my hands are not "peppered with thorn pricks" as Heaney reminisces and as was the same for us growing up, and later when the children were young. They are beginning to crop well.


  1. They look luscious - it annoys me that one of the only free fruits around is one I don't like much!

  2. We picked blackberries yesterday and I made a B&apple crumble for tea, and froze the rest. Lovely!

  3. I grew some here, in the same fashion. I was expecting them to multiply, instead they died! Plenty wild in the hedgerows.
