Monday 22 April 2019

Asparagus at Easter

We picked our first asparagus of the year, on Easter Sunday. The recent days of warm sunny weather seemed to have caused a growth spurt. Anyone who has grown their own asparagus will, l’m sure, marvel at the rate of growth of the spears from one day to the next. It is a luxury crop in that it has a relatively short cropping season and is best eaten fresh. Something to look forward to each year and then most savoured when consumed in season.

The additional rows I planted a couple of years ago are now ready to produce a harvest, too, so there will be plenty of asparagus for us and some to share. It should see us through to Pentecost at least. 


  1. I cut two spears on Friday - a small treat

  2. "Sparrer-grass" as my Nan called it is a rare treat. Enjoy it while it lasts. I like it plain and simple with butter

  3. I quite agree! Cooked simple with butter is all it needs!
