Friday 26 April 2019

Stick in the mud

Back in November when visiting a friend’s smallholding, I helped myself to some hard wood cuttings from their as yet unpruned redcurrant bushes. When I got home I planted the bundle of fifteen sticks in a corner of a vegetable bed and put a label round them. They were left to their own devices until today when I dug them up. All fifteen had rooted. They were then potted up for growing on. Something for nothing but a little goodwill.

A bundle of 15 cuttings planted last November
and now with good root systems

Potted up. I'll plant some out in the autumns. The rest I'll
give away or swap.


  1. That's brilliant! Hope you get lots of redcurrants in due course.

    1. Thank you. I look forward to the future with great optimism as far as redcurrants are concerned!

  2. They look good healthy plants. Well done.

  3. Thanks Dave. I know you are keen on propagating too.
