Monday 8 November 2021

Giving back to the asparagus

Asparagus is a very generous vegetable. After a slow start we had a big crop in the end with a relentless production of spears. In fact, each year we do very well from the asparagus bed. The general reckoning is that it will keep going for a good twenty years.

In return to its continual giving, it is also necessary to give back. This means not being greedy and by the end of June cease cropping and allowing the new asparagus spears to continue to grow. Their green ferny growth through the summer is where they will get their energy for next year's crop. A feed would help too during the growing season. I gave mine one good watering of my home made fertiliser to help them on their way.

Today it was time to cut down the yellowing ferns, give the bed a thorough weeding and finally mulch with some good quality home produced compost. It can then be left for a well earned rest over the winter until the new asparagus season begins next April.


  1. My father in law grew lovely asparagus every year. Once I get the hang of growing themore quotidian vegetables like leeks and beans, maybe I'll have a go!

    1. Leeks and bean first. But don't delay too long because you are creating your grandchildren's memories now!
