Sunday 21 November 2021

The turn of spinach

We have plenty of this year's crops of vegetables stored in the freezer as well as vegetables like potatoes and onions which are stored dry, plus other crops still in the ground that can be harvested as required. This should see us through the winter okay. But it is nice to have access to fresh salad greens too. We have already had regular pickings from lettuce and pak choi from the greenhouse. Today it was the turn of spinach. I planted out in the greenhouse border about thirty plants grown from seed and these are ready to start harvesting. I pick one or two leaves from each plant at a time. This way they should keep cropping right through to March.


  1. My spinach in the raised bed is virtually finished, so I followed the advice in the book and covered it with a leaf mulch. Huw says that I can uncover in march and start cropping again. I hope this works!

    1. I should think that would work. However, spinach is a very easy crop to grow from seed - it germinates very quickly. You could sow a trayful in March as a back up.
