Saturday 16 October 2021

A new ram

One of the reasons for no longer needing the services of Jacob our wether, of whom I wrote about yesterday, is that a few weeks ago we acquired a new ram, Barnabas. We have retained our established ram Abraham so they will be keeping each other company. We needed new blood in the flock as the younger ewes we have retained and grown on for breeding are Abraham's daughters. Our size of flock doesn't really warrant keeping two working rams. However, Abraham still has several more years left in him and Barnabas is as yet 'unproven'. 

Barnabas is a shearling ram, which is to say he has not reached the age for his first shearing, i.e. he was born in the spring of 2020 so is 18 months old. Ordinarily his first shearing would be next year. I say "ordinarily" because the breed of sheep we keep is Wiltshire Horn, noted for their self-shedding characteristic and their short fleece. He will shed this next summer.

Barnabas has settled in well and there has been no argy-bargy between the two rams. They currently also have some ram lambs with them, including the twin lamb who had been rejected by his mother when he was born last March. The latter is unfazed by the others who are all much bigger.

The rams and the ewes were in adjacent fields towards the end of the summer and Barnabas took it upon himself to jump the fence to join them. Luckily we were out and about at the time and spotted this incursion and brought him back straight away. I moved the rams to another field out of sight of the ewes. Barnabas will, however, have his opportunity any day now though.

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