Friday 14 June 2024

Cheery marsh marigolds

Halfway through June and all in all things are a little behind because of the cool weather. Even the courgettes in the vegetable plot, which normally take off once planted out, seem to be at a standstill. The potatoes, however, have grown exuberantly and are already beginning to flower. They have taken advantage of  the wet Spring.  

In the flower borders and odd corners there is always something to catch the eye. For me at the moment it is the Marsh Marigolds (Caltha palustris) which edge part of our small pond. So bright and cheery in the overcast conditions we have been experiencing recently.


  1. I'm encouraged to read that your courgettes haven't grown much yet. I was wondering if it was just mine...

    1. I have spoken to several other growers with the same problem this year.

  2. We have had a cool spell here in Ontario, too, with some bouts of heavy rain. Nothing stops the wild plants growing! It's all getting out of control, especially the milkweed which pops up in the grass overnight. It's a bit like "Wackamole", you pull out one lot and it comes up somewhere else. With a few days away I can imagine what it will look like when we return!

    1. Nettles are at the finest I have seen them this year!

    2. I wouldn't mind a small clump of those, as I understand they can be cooked and eaten!

  3. I am also having problems with courgettes, and they are usually so easy! Put three in, one snapped and a week later the other two look very sad. Of the three I had in reserve, the pigeons pecked one and the jury's out on the others. I'm hoping they will hang on in case the two I have planted out don't make it. Long story short: I'm glad you mentioned the weather. It seems obvious as they do like some warmth, but I didn't think of it.

    1. I singled out the courgettes because, as you point out, they are usually the easiest of vegetable plants to grow!

  4. Great photo. I love herbaceous perennials that put on such a show.

    1. Thanks. These have certainly put on a good show this year.
