Saturday 22 June 2024

Mock Orange moment

The last two or three weeks I have been enjoying the powerful jasmine-like scent emanating from a huge philadelphus (Mock Orange) bush. It is at its strongest in the evenings and at this time the flowers stand out even more. The flowers are very attractive, pure white with yellow stamens. Each year the philadelphus flowers profusely for a few weeks about this time of the year.

Our shrub is about 20 feet long, 10 feet wide and 15 feet high and stands alone on a grassy area to the side of the house. I have cut it back with a hedge trimmer a couple of times, a rather indelicate approach admittedly,  but otherwise have left it to its own devices. Given its size it provides a useful screen to the house. 

If the philadelphus is pruned it needs to be done in the Summer after it has finished flowering, taking out some of the older stems. Winter pruning will result in the loss of the following year's flower buds. In a border or garden situation judicious pruning is needed to contain the shrub and promote flowering. Our one has the space to be allowed to free range.

When it is not in flower the philadelphus is a bit on the dull side so perhaps not the first choice in a small garden. There is a golden leafed cultivar, 'Aurea', which might be more garden-worthy. But if space allows the philadelphus offers a delightful few weeks each year to enjoy it.


  1. When I was about 10 years old, Mum and I moved to a flat at the top of a house with a splendid garden, and I still remember all the plants, including a lovely Mock Orange. They really are a treat to have. We will be enjoying the evening scent of the Milkweed any day now.

    1. I had to look up Milkweed then I remembered it's importance for butterflies.
