Thursday 6 June 2024

Problematic pigeons

One of our most problematic pests when it comes to vegetable growing is wood pigeons. They are here in abundance probably because we are surrounded by arable land which provides them with a field day. But they are astute enough to spot choice greenery. It is not possible to grow any brassicas without protecting them with netting of some sort. 

The last two seasons they have also taken to shredding newly planted dwarf French beans, leaving bare stalks behind. They were never previously a target. After sowing, growing, potting on and eventually planting out the French bean plants, to see them disappear in a day or two you can't help but feel a little piqued towards the pigeons.

This year I was going to net them but instead I made a pigeon scarer. At least that is the effect I hope it will have. I cut out a rough shape of a large predatory bird from a piece of black plastic and attached it to a pole with a length of stiff wire. This keeps the 'bird' gently hovering over the French beans even with barely any breeze. I'll soon know if it works.



  1. The chickens presence used to keep most pests off my allotments

    1. Chickens are good pest controllers John. But the can be a bit destructive too!

  2. Oh I really hope you have success with that scarer. I can sympathise as I too suffer terribly with pigeons. (Also squirrels, and this year snails and slugs in ABUNDANCE!)

    1. Ah, you are familiar with the problem!

  3. That's a brilliant design

    1. I saw a much taller one in a farmer's field so I copied that.

  4. I hope your pigeon scarer is successful, as those bean plants look so healthy and it would be such a shame to have them vandalized by the birds.
