Saturday 8 June 2024

Poppy fields

Despite the rather overcast and relatively cooler weather we have been experiencing poppies are popping up everywhere. Not far off there are some fields full of poppies which, covering such a large area, look very impressive. The timing could not have been more prescient. 

I was unable to stop and take a photo so here is one from the year before last of a nearby field of perhaps 10 acres with the same effect. It had been ploughed during the Winter after a crop of wheat and then left fallow the following season. Seemingly out of nowhere a field of poppies appeared. 


  1. The poppies round here have been beautiful too

    1. We should enjoy them whilst they are here. All self-seeded each time too.

  2. I remember the poppies in England, and recently a friend in Bulgaria has just sent me a similar photo of a field of poppies there. Where I see a picture I'm always reminded of the poem about Flanders Fields.

    1. Yes, it is difficult not to think of that imagery when u see poppies. Do poppies grow in our part of the world?

    2. I've never seen poppies growing wild like they do in many parts of Europe, along train tracks even. I have a clump of cultivated poppies in my garden, they have the large flowers. My friend has smaller flowers but they are still not like the wild variety.
